30 Days of Writing – Day Sixteen!

I’ve had to put some thought into the prompt for today. It hits home for me, and I think writing about it can help me get through the loss I still feel in my heart.

Today the prompt is this:

Write about something that you miss.

There are a lot of things that I miss. The ocean, crisp air, my favorite coffee shop, friends and animals… I think ultimately it comes down to this. I miss the forest.

My whole life I have grown up with the woods surrounding me. As a child I found a safe haven in the forest behind my house. The moss was plush and green, and made for an excellent place to sit with my back against my favorite tree… I was surrounded by the sound of birds, insects, flowers, fern. It was beautiful. I didn’t have the best upbringing, so this little nestle of nature was my home away from home. I came there every day for years until contractors decided to rip the whole forest down to make way for apartments and road ways. It absolutely destroyed me, and I cried for a week.

It’s not just my childhood haven I miss. I miss the smell of pine, and the sound of twigs and leaves crunching under my feet. I miss the endless sea of birch that spread for miles upon miles. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Had it been up to me, I would have preferred to be nestled in the woods… nothing felt more like home.

I found a fairy garden once, and it was a truly magical place. I’d spend time there to meditate and ground with Mother to become closer to her.

There was a trail in my home town that I used to enjoy walking, behind one of the museums that I frequented. There was an instance where I ate my favorite hallucinogen and walked that same trail… I had never felt more connected. The twisted, winding trails and dangling branches were all around me, in the beginning I felt like a nymph, eager and excited to explore, get to know each and every single leaf of the plants and droplets of dew on the fungi. I wanted to be one with all of it. After my journey was over I returned to the same trail and no longer felt like a nymph, but an old crone who had been through that same path many times before. It was then I was one.

I miss driving through patches of woods where the trees were endless, just a vast expanse of nature that swept up my soul… I have never felt as home anywhere else as I do in the forests. I’m quiet saddened that I finally was happy somewhere… and it was taken, unbeknownst to me. I had high hopes of returning just so I could be closer to the trees again… to see the beauty of next summer, because I was going to be sent to flat lands and miss out on time I wanted to spend elsewhere.

There is nothing I love more than being out there. And it doesn’t matter where I am, honestly. It doesn’t have to be back home – it could be anywhere that I could have the pleasure of connecting with the woods again. Unfortunately I am here where the lands are dry and there aren’t any forests for miles and miles. And more miles. I’m hoping to find a nice patch of woods someday, where I can go and ground myself and once again be with Her. For now, I’m just happy to lie under the stars and see Mother Moon instead.

I’m learning to find happiness wherever I go, no matter where it is or what I am doing. I hope you are too. ❤


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