30 Days of Writing – Day Eighteen!

Alright – posting this a tad later in the day than I was wanting, but that’s okay. Life is life and adulting is something we can’t put off. Errands must be done! I feel like the prompt for today is kind of appropriate considering how my days have been rolling lately, how things have been…

30 Days of Writing – Day Seventeen

What are your thoughts about Astrology? I am here with the prompt for day 17! Drum roll please. Post your zodiac sign, and whether or not it relates to you. I am definitely one of those people who follows Astrology. If it’s something you don’t believe in, that’s perfectly okay. I do feel like planetary…

30 Days of Writing – Day Sixteen!

I’ve had to put some thought into the prompt for today. It hits home for me, and I think writing about it can help me get through the loss I still feel in my heart. Today the prompt is this: Write about something that you miss. There are a lot of things that I miss….

30 Days of Writing – Day Fifteen!

Hello to all of you beautiful people out there. I hope today has been good to you! So far my day has been a nice and relaxing one. With that I’m almost worried about boring you with today’s prompt. It bores me. A smidgen. I am a homebody, okay? Don’t get me wrong, I love…

30 Days of Writing – Day Fourteen!

Ah yes, it is that time my friends. For today, it’s about the simple things. Like kicking it and watching your favorite movies. Speaking of – todays prompt is a nice laid back one. Name 5 movies you can watch over and over again. Every now and again I like to be a vegetable and…

30 Day of Writing – Day Thirteen!

Another day has passed, and I am glad to be finally be home. I won’t even lie to you, I’ve been feeling rather agitated and so being here and having the time to write is really nice. Todays prompt is nice as well, so hopefully it can lift my spirit. So what do we have…

30 Days of Writing – Day Twelve!

Hello to everyone out there. This is day twelve, and I’m happy that I haven’t missed a beat yet. I came pretty close the other day, but I’m just going to keep on keeping on! For todays prompt, it is: Write about 5 blessings in your life. I’m sure most people would consider blessings to…

30 Days of Writing – Day Eleven!

Yikes! I’m definitely writing late tonight, I’ve had a pretty busy day today. I am starting this before midnight at least, so that counts for something right? Hehe. I’ve also struggled thinking of todays prompt… writing something you always say “what if” about. This… honestly had me stumped. I used to be a big “what…

30 Days of Writing – Day Ten!

Mmkay. I’m glad that I was able to kind of touch on a certain subject yesterday because it ties well with todays prompt. Write about something for which you feel strongly. I was able to scratch some of this yesterday when it came to sharing some words of wisdom, it was something I am passionate…

30 Days of Writing – Day Nine!

Hello everyone! This post is coming out a little later than I would have liked, I wanted to make sure I thought long and hard when it came to the topic of todays prompt, which is: Post some words of wisdom that speak to you. There are many words that I could share with people……